The emergence of the pandemic in 2020 has compelled us - like every Australian business - to introduce new protocols to more effectively ensure the health & safety of cast, crew, and clients.
No matter how large or small the production requirements, as the pandemic and it's. associated health and safety risks evolve throughout 2021, you can rest assured that we're doing everything we can at Visual Domain to mitigate risk and adhere to all Covid-19 health and safety regulations.
The wellbeing of our talent is our priority and we've implemented agile measures that underpin all of our productions in accordance with the latest Government Health Department advice, including;
- Covid-safe Pre-Shoot questionnaires for cast, crew, and clients.
- Covid-safe Risk Assessments are conducted in advance where required.
- Travel bubbles for crew living/working in different LGAs.
- Social distancing is practiced on both studio and location shoots.
- Sanitation stations are provided in the studio and on location.
- QR codes generated for all shoots with mandatory check-in.
Agile production approach
With in-house production teams in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane (and our book of remote talent across Australia) Visual Domain is uniquely positioned to handle productions in any location.
The upside of our experiences in managing productions throughout the NSW and VIC lockdowns of 2020 is that we now have the ability to allocate resources in accordance with the latest Government restrictions and health advice, ensuring minimal delays to delivery deadlines when possible.
Our agile production approach means that in the event of Covid-19 outbreaks and reactive lockdowns we can;
- Shuffle internal schedules and resources interstate and/or interdepartmentally.
- Conduct interviews via video conferencing; recording and editing them remotely, anywhere, anytime.
- Film role-playing scenarios with actors in a different state with the ability to cast (or recast) within days.
Remote Video Solutions
Alongside our agile production, we have many different remote solutions for businesses across Australia. In a time of uncertainty, it is important to still communicate with your community. This is why we have seen a huge rise in the use of animation, which has led to our growth within
- Animation; Whether you have a message, story, or product using animation for an immersive experience for your customers. Easily set the tone, and communicate a lot of complex information in a digestible format there is no question why animation is our largest growing form of content.
- You Shoot, We Edit - Film your message at home, or on zoom and let our amazing editors are able to edit your footage to still ensure a high-quality branded product. Don't have access to any footage? Utilise our personal stock video library!
- Send and Shoot - If you are a product-based business mail through your products and we can shoot them in a safe environment in one of our studios in either Melbourne or Sydney. Your products will be sold out in no time.
Creating content may look a little different at this time, yet don't let the uncertainty of the 'new normal' stop your business from growing. Video is a powerful communication tool and can help you communicate your brand, product, and messages all year round.
It is always best to reach out and our producers can advise on the best way forward. Contact us to find out more.