5.3.0 - 2020-05-15


  • Add On Hold tick box to the calendar events. (#874)
  • Hubspot app integration with VMS for Hubspot Deals. (#870)

5.2.0 - 2020-05-08


  • Webm made optional for Elastic Transcoder. Now it can controlled on Office level for each client. (#872)


  • Tracking added for the video download choices. (#873)

5.1.2 - 2020-03-15


  • Automatic email to Producers requesting Projects Notes upon first video completion (#864)
  • Add product name to job title for New Order, Edit Order, and Order Detail page. [(#866)
  • Header color change to show different development environment. [(#867)


  • Caption order will be marked as paid. [(#861)
  • Stop allowing credit order to be link to normal order. [(#862)
  • Add Copy Details From Previous job feature to new order. [(#863)
  • Add How to Caption file link to the video caption completion email. [(#865)
  • Remove Order Created and add Client opt-out for Credit Report. [(#868)

5.1.1 - 2020-02-23


  • PBI report for Time sheeting. (#855)
  • Renamed Credit Report to "Credit Pack Content Plan Tracking" with added functionality. (#854)
  • Project completion notes. (#851)


  • Credit revert back from invoiced order. (#858)
  • When an editor is selected for internal or external changes then it should sync it to Harvest as well. (#857)
  • Archived orders will now be archived in Harvest and excluded from the search list


5.1.0 - 2020-02-16


  • VMS integration with Harvest. - Timesheeting (#841)
  • Add file upload option for credit orders. (#852)
  • Add project notes feature that can be added from project detail page. (#851)
  • Xero Payroll API integration for Employees, Timesheet, Calendar, and Leave applications. (#848)
  • New simple order form. (#847)
  • Date TBC checkbox added for job with shoot event only with new order form. (#847)


  • Disabled Calendar Event Types and Product Element Types (Script/Copy Writing, Storyboard, Models/Talent, Drone, Voice Over, Translations, Captions, and Transcribing). (#850)
  • Display shoot location related fields for jobs with shoot event and for others only state field. (#847)


  • Fancy order system. (#847)

5.0.3 - 2020-01-30


  • PBI - credit used and credit used snap shot by state added to preprocess monthly analytic report. (#845)

5.0.2 - 2020-01-25


  • Models and Migrations for the Communication Hub. (#836)


  • Fixed opening and closing of credit cash remaining. (#835)
  • Submodule for Visdom Player git URL changed from HTTPS to SSH. (#834)
  • PHPUnit fixed for broken Faker Image method. (#838)
  • Add Credit Expired Report in Credit Used Report CSV for the end of month report. (#840)



5.0.0 - 2020-01-16 (Major Version Release)


  • Producer Credits Report. (#831)


-- House Accounts Report PBI URL changed. (#831) -- Laravel framework upgraded from 5.5 to 6.x. (#831)

4.14.0 - 2020-01-03


  • API V1 for Client Dashboard (#824)

4.13.3 - 2019-12-23


-- Added Production Date to the Credit Used Report. (#VLD-1111)


-- Inroom Auction, set the default video revisions to 1. (#VLD-1123) -- Removed changes vic email group from the video upload email notification Cc. (#VLD-1122) -- Removed default canned text from production notes for Credit Order. (#VLD-1113)

4.13.2 - 2019-12-08


  • House Accounts Report. (#VLD-1119)
  • Total table for cash info for monthly credit used report. (#823)
  • Use Credits option for Schedule and Charge for changes. (#822)
  • Changes Exceeded Internal Email. (#816)


  • Enabled notification emails for Vic state client ready email. (#VLD-1119)


  • Find next invoice date for order created at end of month. (#821)

4.13.1 - 2019-11-28


  • Video Revisions Feature (#VLD-1073)
  • Order logs for Projects (#808)
  • New section for expired credits on monthly credit used report (#813)
  • PBI - preprocess monthly credit report for: opening balance, closing balance, credit used, credit expired, packs sold and snapshot for credit used, credit expired and packs sold. (#813)


  • Block IE for Briefing Form (#814)
  • End of month invoice run will pick all the credit orders within that month regardless of 72 hours logic (#812)
  • Don't send Xero invoice to customer for Captions order. (#812)

4.13.0 - 2019-11-04


  • Captions & subtitling feature on Video Landing Page using Rev.com API. (#801)
  • User group email field which will take priority when sending email to R.M or Producer. (#806)
  • View Rate Card button for quote calculator. (#804)
  • PBI Revenue report. (#807)


  • Event detail page link replaced with image for Brand Guidelines. (#804)

4.12.3 - 2019-10-21


  • Projects have been added in orders menu to group office related orders into one Project Overview. (#802)


  • Default canned text removed from order's confirmation, video delivery, video bulk delivery, changes delivery, time & date change, and credit orders email. (#803)

4.12.2 - 2019-09-30


  • Added database entries for preprocess data of cash remaining balance. (#798)
  • Added database entries for preprocess data of schedule invoice dates. (#796)
  • Restrict API access to specific domains. (#795)


  • Added more featured tags sections for the inspiration lab. (#799)

4.12.1 - 2019-09-19


  • Added database entries for Credit discount & cash value for orders using credit. (#794)


  • Client Brief Form updated with new layout and input fields. (#792)

4.12.0 - 2019-09-14


  • API V1 for video landing page. (#877)
  • Standalone system for video landing page (#877)
  • Upgraded video landing page to REACT technology(#877)


  • Flash message for inactive user when they try to login. (#791)
  • Create new account issue after using forget password. (#791)

4.11.7 - 2019-09-02


  • Project Management as primary product element for products. (#787)


  • Order logs displaying wrong 50% invoice actions. (#788)


  • Related previous video Panel on video landing page. (#876)

4.11.6 - 2019-08-12


  • Total remaining cash to accounts credits report. (#774)
  • New permission to edit and cancel orders that are using fully applied credit. Permission is now given to Producers, Relationship Managers and other relevant Production Staff (#783)
  • New field on lead gen - "Why did you choose these videos?". (#784)
  • New event type Non-Billable. (#781)
  • Bitly API link for fast quote attachment in Hubspot. (#779)
  • Invoice date feature for a manual invoice, to allow back dating of invoices (#778)


  • Change email title and banner for date time change. (#775).
  • Change email default messages for Confirmation, Video Delivery and Changes Delivery. (#780).
  • Reverted 10 hours maximum duration of events back to 7 days for all events except shoot.  (#776)


  • Shoot event to sync with order job time and date from calendar. (#782)
  • Add percentage sign on monthly csv report. (#785)


4.11.5 - 2019-07-29


  • Lead Gen form that will be placed in Visual Domain website as an iframe. (#773)
  • Passport for API usage. (#772)

4.11.4 - 2019-07-22


  • Cron job to remove pending confirmation of new user registration requests after two weeks (#765).


  • Orders for Accounts changed from order job production date to invoice creation date and filters will be applied based on invoice creation date as well (#769).
  • Increased file upload size from 20MB to 100MB for Video Landing Page (#767).
  • Reset password layout changed and it will have Visdom template layout (#768).
  • Client Dashboard Manage listing section to display Order level data and show all Orders whether they have shoots or not (#766).


  • Login & Registration form checkbox has been fixed for iphone and iPads, now the checkbox size will be back to normal (#770).

4.11.3 - 2019-07-11


  • Video upload to Facebook (#724).
  • New user registration work flow (#757).
  • New design for Login, Register and Password reset form (#761).
  • Include orders for accounts to monthly accounts report (#763).


  • When creating/updating an order which uses credits, do not allow decimal values, only digits (#759).
  • Quote Calculator and Quote Changes to show only Custom Product with four primary elements (#764).


  • Order update which causes calendar change events to be deleted (#760).

4.11.2 - 2019-07-01


  • Sync to algolia website feature (#758).
  • Producer power BI report (#756).
  • Improve attachment process at video landing page (#752).


  • Accounts credit status paid unpaid (#753).


  • Credit order data duplicated (#755).
  • Daily DB backup timeout issue (#751).


  • Pre-production Hub (#754).

4.11.1 - 2019-06-24


  • New order page for client dashboard (#726).
  • Add tags when uploading video (#734).
  • Google Analytics and Hotjar (#746).
  • Producers filter list on calendar (#744).
  • Add relationship manager to credit report (#736).
  • View all options for credits report (#742).
  • Add banner to confirmation email (#732).
  • Client dashboard brand hub page (#733).


  • Client Dashboard Quote form update (#738).
  • Enable calendar not available filter all time (#749).
  • Credit status always active (#747).
  • Invoice term rename (#748).
  • Order page on client dashboard optimise and crew logic change (#735).
  • Change chat box to use hubspot (#743).


  • Safari video download issue (#750).
  • Third party payment not selecting when creating order from cancelled one (#741).


  • Pending field from accounts credit report (#745).

4.11.0 - 2019-05-15


  • New order page for client dashboard (#726).
  • Production hours on order level (#730).


  • Automated emails to come from producer (#728).
  • Daily sales report state logic change (#729).


  • Contact credit refresh when newly contact added (#727).
  • House accounts report incorrect math, credit used related (#725).

4.10.8 - 2019-04-15


  • Add google review to crew rating (#723).
  • Add functionality to link manual invoice to order (#722).
  • Add webpage for Power BI report (#721).
  • Add new email notification when credit has been paid (#720).


  • New product settings on creating order to use product specific button (#712).


  • BDM related code (#719).

4.10.7 - 2019-04-01


  • Add notes to credit logs (#717).
  • Add one time command to assign credit packages (#716).
  • Add changelog.md file (#715).
  • Add button to send invoice manually for credit order (#713).


  • Rename account manager to relationship manager (#718).


  • Fix ajax error when trying to generate large report (#714).

4.10.6 - 2019-03-14


  • Show pre-purchased credits reports in the client dashboard (#709).

4.10.5 - 2019-03-13


  • Setting page for product control settings. (#708).
  • Fancy order page only allows products from a single product type (#710).
  • Show the credits summary, including log history for each credit in the client dashboard (#702).
  • Add a new column named a purchase type to the orders list page (707).

4.10.4 - 2019-02-19


  • Each product must have a primary event (#705).
  • Delay credit order invoicing by 72 hours (#700).


  • Update the title and sub title for question number 7 from create order form (#703).
  • Update the default brief and confirmation email content of a credit order (#706).
  • Accounts Visual Domain cannot be the owner of a contact credit (#698).


  • Calendar scroll bug (#700).

4.10.3 - 2019-02-13


  • The inspiration lab is added to the client dashboard (#694).
  • Update client dashboard and some part of VMS (mainly on video landing page) to match our new branding guidelines (#690).
  • Add a new option “Order” for view previous video on video landing page (#693).


  • Add sales managers and producers email groups to the daily sales report, monthly sales report and the invoice run second step email (#701).
  • Update the client dashboard inspiration lab title to 'INSPIRATION LABS' (#699).
  • Change all occurrences of external_note in order level to “brief” (#691).


  • Make the whole test suite pass (#695).
  • An event can be assigned to user with appropriate roles in a different state (#696).
  • Accounts credit report bug (#697).

4.10.2 - 2019-01-29


  • Use video.js in the client dashboard (#688).


  • Add Expiry Date column and Total Pending Cash to be Received to the bottom table section (#692).


  • Optimise credits report and accounts credit report pages (#689).

4.10.1 - 2019-01-23


  • Show all undelivered videos created after a configured date (#683).
  • Create a checkbox to show only my events in the calendar (#679).
  • Add new credit report for account (#680).
  • Send credit report for account as a CSV at the end of the month (#680).
  • Add notification email to shooter who shot the job, when the job is approved by client (#681).
  • Add restriction to the calendar time for new quote, order, and product element form to be max 10 hours (#682).


  • Only includes Active credits with positive balance in the credits report (#684).
  • Change original amount data with remaining cash for the accounts credit report (#687).
  • Update some logic on credit report and prepare report/database for manual input (#685).
  • Update text for our email in VMS for re-branding (#686).
  • Add a safeguard/exception on invoice run to check if invoice does exist (#671).
  • VMS will update Xero Invoice to mark the sent to client status to true, when an invoice is downloaded and sent to client. As well as add log entry for the order (#672).
  • Update text area when you click next button in the fancy form. (#682).


  • Fixing the issue of clicking one item checkbox unexpectedly update some others (#679).

4.10.0 - 2019-01-14


  • Add filter by date panel to videos list page (#661).
  • Add functionality to create teams and use that as a filter on the calendar (#654).
  • Highlight users' names in the calendar that don’t have any events happened today (#653).
  • Split the products list page into two tabs: products and pre-purchased credit products (#650).
  • Add is_active field on element type and product element type db table (#649).
  • Add order job created date to event edit form (#655).
  • Add a new order job status named “Changes scheduled“ (#655).


  • Remove video link on changes requested section when sending bulk delivery email if there is only 1 video link (#678).
  • Change new production look to split in half and remove some unused field (#676).
  • Add a list of video links on bulk delivery email just before the list “video with changes” section (#674).
  • Change quote email to mimic new branding and change url link for terms and condition page (#673).
  • Email re-branding changes for update video delivery, and changes scheduled (#668).
  • Change logic on editor’s note method (#668).
  • Change the look of order production notes to follow the new look (#670).
  • Email re-branding for some emails (#657, #659, #662).
  • Change event assigned logic to follow producer's state (#660).
  • Change logic when order is created and design of the confirmation email (#656).
  • Config the products that can be added to an order via “Add Quick Video“ in settings (#658).
  • Specify the product to be added quickly to an order (#658).
  • Edit Events will be initially unscheduled if the order job’s due date is more than 2 days ahead of production date (#652).
  • Hide packages product type from drop down, except when order comes from booking request (#651).


  • Fix bug where status of order job doesn’t change to “changes scheduled” after internal changes is scheduled (#677).
  • When we change order job product or delete order job from an order then associated events will be deleted and because of that event deleted_by field is not updated. Similar issue is with order job elements table (#675).