With over 300 million active users, Instagram Stories is a great way for businesses to connect with new audiences, boost engagement — and keep your brand front of mind. But the question we constantly get asked is: How do I make more story impactful, different and ultimately fun.something we have been working on answering for a while, and are pleased to release our latest package to help those looking to get ahead: VisDom Stickers. For those wanting to know what Instagram stickers are, they are an add on to Instagram stories: Instagram stories is the short form storytelling that provides you with a 24-hour lifespan to communicate a story.

Content is usually rawer content and a sneak behind the scenes of what is going on in your life or business. To help make these stories more meaningful, Instagram introduced stickers, not only to make your stories more fun, but to help you achieve a variety of your marketing goals, from reaching new audiences to promoting your products. So how do you get the best value out of Instagram stickers?
Below highlights five ways you can get your brand ahead by using Instagram stickers.
-Create an avatar version of yourself - Instagram stickers allows you to turn yourself into an avatar - what’s an avatar? It’s effectively a creative digital version of you! This allows you to implement a relatable version of you with a bunch of different responses and reactions - making your content more engaging and unique.
-Visual reactions - We know these days that a lot of people view content with the sound off whilst they are sneaking in their content fix, incorporating stickers allows you to create further silent communication and showcase your reaction in a meaningful and non disruptive way to your audience.
-Polls - We all love to know what people think, but what about getting real time feedback with a creative twist? Instagram stickers allows you to create polls to hear people’s thoughts and opinions, and the research shows that the more bespoke and unique this content is the more likely you are to get a response. Why not have a custom sticker made for your next poll?
-Calls to actions - Have you created a masterpiece you need people to hear? Or do you want people to click something? Why not create a sticker that speaks your language? You may not want to use the typical “Sound on” sticker or “Lit” sticker to show something you think is cool - So repurpose these to your language and to get your audience to take action!
-Team building - One way teams connect these days is over social media, but you can take it to the next level with Stickers. You can create a slogan, logo or something unique that means something to your ‘crew’ and incorporate it into your social media marketing. For example, if you and your small team just completed a project, why not get a custom sticker to promote your team, match it with another sticker like the ‘Lit’ one and create a message that “Your Brand” completed a “Lit” Project!
If you want to learn about other creative ways to integrate instagram stickers in to your marketing strategy, reach out to one of our marketing experts who will gladly assist!
Call us on 1300 040 718 or email sales@visualdomain.com.au
Written by Todd Schulberg