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Still vs Video Marketing; Why videos perform better than still photos

19 December 2022
Still vs Video Marketing; Why videos perform better than still photos


Did you know that the global marketing industry is projected to reach nearly $800 billion by 2026? A large portion of this value stems from digital marketing, as well.

However, not everybody can decide between using a video marketing strategy vs image marketing. Let's explore the facts between the two when it comes to brand marketing so you can make the best decision for your business. Learn more on our fact sheet - FOUND HERE.

In the end, it all depends on what kind of message you want to convey and the type of audience you want to reach. Image marketing is often used when targeting a broad audience, while video marketing is great for specific, targeted campaigns.

However, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your brand's advertising strategy, it's recommended that you use video marketing. This way, you can create an impactful message that resonates with your audience no matter where they are or what kind of platforms they use.

Plus, videos can be used across multiple platforms, which gives you the opportunity to reach a larger audience

Don't shy away from video marketing!

We pride ourselves on being experts in helping bring our client's creative ideas to life. We specialise in creating all types of video, including those for events, live streams, social media, and even animations. Want to learn more and kick-start your video marketing?
Be sure to reach out to us today and see how we can help you.

Still vs Video Marketing; Why videos perform better than still photos
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