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Long-form vs. Short-form Video Content: Pros and Cons

27 January 2023
Long-form vs. Short-form Video Content: Pros and Cons


More than 600,000 new businesses are formed in the United States each year. Unfortunately, not all of these have staying power in their industries. It should come as no surprise that having a solid content strategy is essential when it comes to running a successful business.

This is especially true regarding video content. One of the most important decisions when it comes to creating a video content strategy is choosing between long-form and short-form. However, not everyone understands which option is ideal.

Let's take a closer look at this aspect of video content marketing.

What Is Short-Form Content?

Short-form content are videos that are typically under five minutes in length, and often consist of snippets or clips.

This type of video content works especially well for quickly getting a message across, as it can be consumed quickly and easily. It's also great for sharing on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, due to its brevity.


What Is Long-Form Content?

Long-form videos are those that exceed five minutes in length and generally consist of one continuous video. This type of content allows for more in-depth explanations or stories, as well as a greater level of engagement from the audience.

Long-form content can also be used to showcase various products or services, as well as to create an emotional connection with the audience.


Benefits of Each Form of Content

Short-form video content can be a great way to quickly and easily get your message across without requiring too much commitment from your audience. It's also easy to share on social media platforms and is less likely to lose viewers due to its brevity.

Long-form content is great for creating an emotional connection with your audience, as well as providing a detailed explanation of your products or services. It also allows for more engagement from the audience and can be used to create an immersive experience.

So, Which Is Best?

Short-form content has many advantages when it comes to marketing. It's easy to create, is less likely to lose viewers, and can be shared easily on social media.

Common short-form video content includes training videos, advertisements, and promotional videos.

It's essential not to neglect how short-form content performs on social media. This type of content is easy to digest, and people often watch videos for a few seconds before moving on.

This is why it works so well for platforms like Twitter and Instagram.


How Visual Domain Can Help

We're proud to offer creative video production services to businesses in need of social media video content, animation, live streams, and brand videos. Our expertise can help you take your brand to the next level and hit target metrics like never before.

We take our clients' needs seriously and do everything we can to understand their goals so we can develop a path forward.

Don't Overlook Short-Form Video Content

Initially, it may seem difficult to decide between long-form and short-form video content. The good news is that the guide above has everything you need to know to make the process simple.

Looking for more information about what we can do? Reach out to us today to see how we can help.

Long-form vs. Short-form Video Content: Pros and Cons
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